Monday, March 10, 2008

Police seek second 'person of interest' in UNC death

Police seek second 'person of interest' in UNC death

This article is about a girl, Eve Carson, who was found shot to death early Wednesday morning. She was a 22 year old student and class president at UNC Chapel Hill. The police are currently working to find the killer and they already have one suspect. This article hits me hard because, unfortunately, it is not common for something like this to take place in this day and age. When something like this happens, it is so sad because you think about all the torture and pain the person could have gone through and now all the emotions the family is feeling. I feel sorry for all of her family and friends and I hope they can get through this traumatic event OK.

Monday, March 3, 2008

McCain looks to clinch GOP nomination

This article intrigued me because I enjoy reading about and following politics. I am glad that Huckabee isn't giving up even though he is 800 delegates behind. I'm glad because even though I do not want him to win, he claims he is staying in the election to reach out to the younger voters and educate them. I think this is a good decision because the younger republicans are the future for the party and if you are not educating them then you will not have a republican party soon. I think that McCain has a better shot at winning than Huckabee but Huckabee should not give up.